Friday, March 16, 2012


Proverbs 11:25 (NIV)

A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.

This bible verse is so common to me that I sometimes take it for granted. But today, it somehow compelled me to write this blog.

We all know that being generous is not just about giving away money or material things. It's beyond that.

I want to focus on the word "refresh". When does a person need refreshment? When he is tired? When he is thirsty? I say yes to both, literally and figuratively.

A lot of people are tired. I also get tired, not just physically, but also emotionally and spiritually. And sometimes I need to refresh myself by doing things I enjoy. Going on a vacation is one. But when that vacation is over, I get tired again. Now I know why. I only refreshed myself and not let others be involved. Whether you are in the receiving or giving end of a generous act, you will be refreshed.

I do not see money as a refresher. Maybe because I got 0 points in the gifts area of my love language test. It means I do not really enjoy receiving material gifts. I'm more of a "spend time with me rather than give me gifts" kind of person.

Why did I go to the topic of love languages (time, touch, service, words of affirmation, and gifts)? I say that to be able to refresh others, it's really helpful if you know their love language. Some people appreciate gifts, some don't appreciate them that much.

When it comes to being thirsty, I think this is where money comes in more obviously. Being thirsty means you lack something you need or want. It could be material needs, emotional needs or spiritual needs. You can give food to someone. You can hug someone. You can share the Word to someone. But if it is something they don't need or want, I don't think it'll be appreciated. And when you sense that, you won't be refreshed yourself.

If I were to replace the word "refresh" with the word "appreciate", I think the verse still makes sense.

A generous man will prosper; he who appreciates others will himself be appreciated.'s not really about something you give because of an overflow. It's simply just about giving with whatever you have or would want to have more. That's where prosperity comes in. ;)